On behalf of the membership, the Board would like to thank Mark Ridsdale and Fran Whalley for their contribution to Welsh Fencing.
Both are standing down from their Director and Secretary roles respectively, with Mark also having previously undertaken the role of Chair.
During their tenures, they have both worked tirelessly to improve access to everything associated with fencing across the whole of Wales. Their passion, and focus on participants has improved support for coaches, referees, and fencers. They have also worked tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure that Welsh Fencing is in the strong position that it is from a governance and finance point of view.
On a personal note, I would like to thank Mark for all the support and patience he has shown me in my first 2 years as Chair. His knowledge and wisdom has helped me enormously in understanding the role of Chair, and developing relationships with our stakeholders at Sport Wales and beyond.
Fran continually inspires a focus on our members. Fencers, coaches, referees, clubs etc are the lifeblood of our sport, and she ensured that this was always at the forefront of board discussions.
A huge thank you to you both.
Matt Russell
Chair – Welsh Fencing