Saturday Team

Sunday Team
Over the weekend of 21st/22nd September the Veteran Winton Cup was held at a rather damp Billesley Indoor Tennis Center in Birmingham – we were one of 10 regional teams vying for the title from across the UK. I was proud to captain the team this year and with the usual spread of seasoned Welsh stalwarts, new caps as well as a couple of honorary Welshies (shout out to Helen and Dominique) we stepped onto the piste together - some of us with Daffodils in hand or more accurately on heads!
We started the weekend at a slight disadvantage as we were not able to enter a Women’s Epee team and this showed in our final ranking position of 9th overall - however to give context to how well we did across the other weapons we were within 5 fight victories of beating 5 other regions with only the South East (the winners this year), South West and Southern out of reach. This gives me great confidence that with a few of our unavailable or injured female Epeeists back in the mix we will be vying for top spot next year!
I want to give some specific shout outs to our top performers which were the men’s and women’s sabre teams who had 6 and 5 overall victories through the weekend respectively and to one of our newest veterans – Phil who achieved 23 individual victories as part of the men’s sabre squad.
As always, we were the loudest, friendliest, and generally favourite region (not just me saying that) of all those in attendance and the team spirit shown by all in support of each other as well as our new caps and new honorary welshies was amazing to see.
I look forward to seeing you all again soon and if you have any feedback or pictures from the weekend please get in contact via the usual email address!
Below/attached are the team’s photos from the weekend
Best Wishes